On this subpage you will find the Master Diagram for the Ten-Volume Series
drawn by the researcher and the author of this Series, Ms. Diane A. Davis.
This ten-VOLUME Series publication began in 1982, when Ms. Davis began studying fusion energy. Then in
1993, when Ms. Davis was requested to write a series of articles for the general public on her graduate subject of research
-fusion energy- by her doctoral disseration advisor, and then again in 1995, when Ms. Davis' doctoral
program chairperson requested that she write a series of articles for the professional engineering literature, the wealth
of research and writing had long been undertaken. Thus, is it from this wealth of research and writing over the years, that
this series of ten publications has evolved, for the general public's edification.
With regard to the specific titles of the ten VOLUMES, as Ms. Davis contemplated the many challenging issues
within the broad-based subject of [thermonuclear] fusion energy at the time of publication, the articles were organized into
various sub-issue categories and have been published in the VOLUME in which the particular article especially relates
to the specific subject topic.
Within the ten-VOLUME Series is included Ms. Davis' Master's Degree and Doctoral Degree Theses, in Volumes
III and VIII, respectively.
Also included on a subpage of Ms. Davis' comprehensive homepage is an essay, also composed, written, and published
under copyrights protection by Ms. Davis, entitled: "Why Do We Need Fusion Energy?".
The first main objective of the Author's having researched and written the presented Ten-and written this Ten-Volume Monograph Series is
to provide a means by which members of the general public may be informed of the environmental degradation
which our past and present National energy policies are causally-related to, as well as to inform Volume Monograph Series
on this website is to raise the level of awareness among members of the general public, and to provide a means by which to
edify the general public, of the benefits of bringing fusion energy online by 2010 A.D.
The second main objective of the Author's having researched members of the general public
as to the predictable short-term extinction of all living species - including the human race- if we do not immediately
change our U.S.A. National energy policies and stop combusting fossil fuels.
Since 1982, the Author has been researching, studying and writing on issues surrounding peaceful power production in
the U.S.A. Through Ms. Davis' professional practice in both architecture and energy engineering, as well as her graduate academic
work, the Author has gained a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of powerplant technologies, thermonuclear science and energy,
energy science and engineering, physics, plasma physics, environmental science, environmental law, energy policy, public policy,
public administration and public health risks pertinent to the U.S.A.'s electricity generation and space heating-cooling/conservation
technologies and methodoligies, as well as hvac life-support and central station building energy systems, "green design"
and sustainability issues.
As a result of the tumultuous energy crisis causally-related to the OPEC Oil
Cartel slowing down production of oil in the 1970s, the Author began her early energy studies in 1982, as a student of architecture.
Taking elective courses in energy engineering courses, Msaccordance with the newly emerging U.S. Energy Code BOCA. By the
end of her architecture education, Ms. Davis realized that her architecture career would need the added benefit of a master
of energ. Davis became aware of fusion energy and realized that architecture could be designed more efficiently, and in y
engineering and science degree.
During Ms. Davis' Master of Engineering Degree Program, Ms. Davis
seriously began studying energy systems for powerplant technology, as well as all of the surrounding challenging issues within
that subject discipline. Encouraged to go on for her doctorate by her professors, Ms. Davis further studied thermonuclear
energy systems and had devoted both her masters and doctoral degree Theses to the specific subject of thermonuclear
fusion energy and the sustainability issues challenging the U.S.A.'s electricity generation. See VOLUME III and VOLUME VIII of this Monograph Series.
As a result of Ms. Davis thorough study and knowledge of thermonuclear energy
systems and powerplant technology, throughout her graduate work, her 1989 - 1990
Master's Degree Thesis became the scholarly driving force justifying the establishment of The Institute for
Thermonuclear Fusion Energy Education, Research and Development, Regulation, Technology and Public Policy ©®,
aka The Institute for Fusion Energy©® in 1996, called for in Volume
III of this Monograph Series, of which Ms. Davis is both Founder and Director, as well as the sole-owner of this education
and research organization.
In 1993, having made a change of both doctoral program and university, Ms.
Davis' new Chairperson of her Graduate Engineering Department requested that Ms. Davis write a number of articles for the
scholarly, scientific and professional engineering literature on thermonuclear energy. Within those scholarly articles Ms.
Davis wrote on the many must needs for fusion energy to be online by 2010 A.D.
See the Essay "Why We Need Fusion Energy" by clicking on that page within
this website.
In 1994-95, at the completion of ~75% of her doctoral Thesis,
Ms. Davis' expert dissertation advisor requested that she write a series of articles for the general public (in plain English)
on [thermonuclear] fusion energy (the subject of many years study and Ms. Davis' two theses.)
That Series of articles has become this present Ten-Volume Monograph Series
on fusion energy, specifically written for the general public's edification and information.