"THE INSTITUTE" is an abridged title
for the U.S.Federal legal entity registered as "THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR
"THE INSTITUTE" is a not-for-profit 501 c 3 tax exempt research
and public education organization founded, directed and managed by DIANE A. DAVIS since 1987, by virtue of Ms. Davis' Master
of Engineering Degree Thesis filed with U.S. Library of Copyrights Division of Literary Works in 1989 under TXu 564-679,
as well as The U.S. NTIS for Academic Theses. All U.S.A., Pan American and International Copyrights are Reserved
and Claimed by Ms. Davis.
Ms. Davis' Thesis has been excerpted and reproduced in a reader-friendly format
presented to the general public in Fusion Energy ~ The Public's Guide VOLUME III America's Power Production: Responding To The Crisis.
In its role as a research and public education organization, "THE INSTITUTE
" advocates members of the general public exercising their Constitutional rights by making their
wishes known to their elected representatives. "The Institute" provides a sample letter and how to contact their representatives
at: Write Your Elected Representatives and Your Elected U.S. Congressional Officials of the currnet U.S. Congress and Senate in order to play a more significant role in bringing
thermonuclear fusion energy technology online by 2010.
There are other advantages such as the Member's Newsletter which keeps our Members
abreast of breaking news and current developments in energy legislation, sicence and technology: Become A Member.
To learn more about the Founder, CEO and author of The Series, www.fusionenergyandtheenvironmentpublishing.com /
Meet The Author.